Tuesday 4 February 2014


By far my most favourite Tuesday group session so far... Today we looked at eggs...

We talked about how strong eggs are, and to demonstrate everyone had a go at trying to break an egg by squeezing it.  Then I got one of them to stand on an egg - guess what, it broke :) 
Now how about if I try and stand on twelve eggs..? 

Try to ignore the pink socks (it's a long story) but imagine the looks on their faces to see that none of the eggs broke ... I'll confess to some surprise myself.  Of course everyone wanted a go and they took turns in standing on eggs :)

We also looked at a transparent egg... Eggs that have been soaked in vinegar lose their shells and they end up looking quite cool.. I did two : one hard boiled and raw.

This the eggs in the vinegar.
Not only do they look cool, but the hard boiled version also bounces..! A bouncy egg...! 
We discovered that the raw egg also bounced a little... But not very well and quickly broke.

We looked at how to make an egg float, with the aid of a little salt.

And because up until now all the experiments had worked too well, we had to have one fail :) 
The classic suck a hard boiled egg into a bottle... Inspite of our best efforts this one just would not work - and we tried a lot...! One to revisit once I've figured out the problem I think...! 

So what can you do with a load of eggs once you finished experimenting...? Well, you can see what happens when you drop one :) 

Sometimes it's not about the science, but about having a go at things you normally can't do...

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