Tuesday 24 December 2013

Salt dough and penguins...

December brings winter... And so our activities have taken a frosty Christmas theme. Now if anyone can give me good salt dough recipe that doesn't make the colours go all yucky When baked I would be grateful :)

These are our glittery salt dough ornaments before the oven mutilated them...

We've also started a small Antartica project, mostly penguin related ... One very cool thing we found (no pun intended) was a stack of penguin ID cards that we sorted various ways : by size, weight and our personal preferences.

One of our less successful projects involved trying to make an igloo from sugar cubes... Unfortunately I had forgotten that by using glue we would dissolve the sugar...! Needless to say, the igloo looked a bit 'rustic' after a couple of hours...

Quite entertaining though.. And we managed to salvage a bit of 'science' education from it - why things dissolve :)

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