Tuesday 21 January 2014

Lava lamps and shrinking pictures...

Week 3 at our Tuesday group and we're back to science again... This week lava lamps...

Most of the things we cover I've never tried before, this is deliberate as it means we are really experimenting and when things go wrong we can work out why... 

Mostly this is an exercise in density - why water and oil won't mix in this example... To demonstrate this I got most of group to pretend to be water particles and Myself and J played the part of oil particles, the waters main goal is to stick to the people they like the most which is water and not let the oil, which they don't like, mix in...

Hilarity ensued and as usual with my impromptu demonstrations it ended with everyone on a heap on the floor - laughing with it, so by that measure I count it a success. 

Next we looked at this in a more sensible manner, by adding cooking oil to a bottle half full of water.  Then a smidge of food colouring - observing how it only changed the colour of the water and not the oil... And then some fizzing salts (anything like alka seltzer works)..

It worked to some extent, but not quite the effect I was hoping for, but as an update to this a couple of weeks later, we tried again with a fizzing tablet (rather than powder) and got a much better reaction

Slightly more bubbles this time - as always with my not quite perfect experiments, it was an opportunity to talk about why there was a difference..
We also looked at shrinking plastic.  Love this stuff, so simple but so effective.. Everyone drew on their plastic and then watched with delight as with careful use of heat gun the plastic started to dance :) 

This was J's killer whale, although he preferred it in its original larger form apparently.  He has a point - killer whales are big animals...

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