Wednesday 29 January 2014

The magic of ice...

To continue with our winter theme, this week we tried freezing a few things.

First up were some leaves (still hanging about from our autumn nature table)  We put some in a plant saucer and filled with water, then left the freezer to do it's thing.

This is how it ended up, sadly with all the rain we've had it didn't last long outside, it would have been nice to hang in the garden for a while.

We also made some ice lanterns.  A little trickier to do these as you need to have water in one bowl and then add a smaller bowl (to make the hollow) and then somehow not let these move in he freezer until they are frozen...  We kind of managed it, and from one side, with a lit candle in, it looked awesome 

Of course with a lit candle in, it didn't last long... but worth the effort. 

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