Thursday 29 August 2013

Boat building

Ok so it's not quite Star Wars, but this activity never ceases to amaze me how long it keeps little (and big) fingers amused..  We've done this before, but as I had more than one set of little fingers to keep amused it seemed the perfect thing to do again.

All you need is a few plastic tubs, some odd craft stuff and water.  Luckily the weather seems to have picked up again today and we were able to get the small paddling pool out which did just the job!

We always make sure the boats have a name, this time around we had: Daisy, The Happy Minion, Roger and the Death Star mark II (Star Wars always creeps in somewhere)

Last time we did this the big pool was out so we raced them, all you need is a light breeze and it's amazing how fast they go...!

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