Friday 30 August 2013

Autumn is coming...

Sometimes you get an idea in your head and it never looks the same when it's done.  This little project ended up looking even better :)

We got our new (massive) noticeboard delivered yesterday and it looked a bit 'industrial', so as Autumn is approaching I thought we could 'theme it up' a bit...

I found some colouring in pages for leaves, like these ones from Crayola and we used a mix of yellow, orange and red to do some sponge painting.  I think the sponge effect works really well on the leaves, little fingers did a great job.

If you google a search for 'Autumn colouring in pages' you get a good load of pictures to choose from - we also chose a kite and a scarecrow.

I love the colours!

Once they were dry, I cut them all out and added them to the noticeboard

Not sure the photo does them justice and we may have to do some more to put all around to cover the metal parts.

And just in case you are wondering where the Star Wars twist is.... Well it seems some AT-AT's found there way onto the board too:

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