Sunday 25 August 2013

The planet Hoth

So it seems we've now started a 'thing'.... it started with a simple idea for a volcano that turned into a planet... and now we're building the entire galaxy from far, far away...

Next up : Hoth.

First the usual research and planning - drawings of the layout and key features, photos and a story board and a look at what sort of planet it would be etc..

For each planet we make we try to use different materials and craft techniques.  Hoth was going to mostly be about air drying clay...

We used:

A blue pet litter tray (we've started bulk buying these now!)
Cotton wool
Air drying clay
Star Wars Hoth images, I found some great ones here:

Because we had already decided on which elements to make, we started with the clay and made up various things like an AT-ST, AT-AT, snow speeder, probe droid and, of course, an x-wing.

We used matchsticks to hold the 'limbs' together and for a bit of extra stability.  I found some great silver paint at the local Range store which was perfect for the walkers.

Hoth is a snowy planet, so cotton wool the obvious choice for lining.  Then we stuck some card as a backdrop and cut out the pictures to add to the scene.

A last minute addition was the orange tissue paper to make explosions - I think it's quite effective...

I've been informed that out next planet to tackle is Endor (technically a moon but who's going to quibble).

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