Thursday 12 September 2013

Why did the Jedi cross the road..? To prove he wasn't odd...

Today we did a bit of focus on numbers, specifically looking at what makes them odd and even numbers.

The easiest way I found to explain it was play a little game involving Star Wars mini figs.  All the characters have to cross the road from their houses to Mos Eilsey spaceport, the only rule is they must go in pairs - after all you must always hold someone's hand when you cross the road.

If there is a character left behind then it's an odd number, if everyone gets across the road it's even.

We plotted our findings on a number chart, colouring evens in green and odds in red.  Then we were about to see the pattern that shows all odd numbers end in 1,3.5,7,9 and all even in 2,4,6,8,0.

By following this simple rule we were able to look at all numbers, including some very silly long ones like 312,865,685,002 and instantly see whether it was odd/even, just by looking at the last digit.

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