Friday 27 September 2013

Camping in the Namib desert..

Continuing with our look at habitats, this week we decided to go camping (sort of).  The decision was made for this to be in the desert, so we set about looking at desert habitats - what they might be like, what we would need to survive, what animals there might be and so on...

We made a few critters to keep us company, he chose to make a dune ant, white lady spider, gecko and side winder snake.  Plus we added a few that we already had...

Luckily as the Namib desert is situated right inside our living room we didn't have to worry about jet lag.  Which meant we could get down to the important business of food: first up toasted marshmallows.

And since we were... err... roughing it and living off the land, we had a good old fashioned 'campfire' to cook our freshly caught main meal.. Not that easy with the wind and slight rain fall... coupled with the fact I'm not all that skilled at cooking over flames...

We did have to be careful of the local wild animals..
But we did have all the essentials for a (relatively) good night sleep.
Don't worry I moved the snake before we got in...
Not a bad night sleep considering, although I won't be sorry to be back in my own bed tonight..!

Next time it's been suggested we camp in the rainforest on hammocks - I have NO idea how I'm going to make that one happen...

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