Wednesday 9 October 2013

Fungus... the return...

I thought it might fun today to do some follow up work on mini beasts that we started on Monday and a closer look at fungus after our brilliant finds last week...

We started off making our own mini beasts, my favourites being the spider with the cool santa hat on and the caterpillar, none of mine quite made the cut...

These were made from a great template we found on which is our new best friend for anything nature related, there are so many free resources on there and the child membership for just £12 a year is an added bonus - it's going to keep us busy (and outdoors) all year round!

Then I thought it would be fun to use a book I borrowed from the library yesterday on Fungi to find out the names of the things we found last week.... little did I know that there are about a billion (ok not that many, but there are A LOT) and many of them look exactly the same to a complete novice like me.  We managed a few, but the rest will need an expert eye I think..

We moved onto looking at some of the silly names that fungi can be called and tried to work out some real ones from fake ones..  Some of my personal favourites : moon carrot rust and dingy twiglet, but all of them had us giggling for quite a bit of the day.

And because there is one that we can always identify, we made our own Fly Agaric, it's also one of my favourite looking and really brightens up the nature table:

Tomorrow we're going out to look for owl pellets, amongst other things, in the hope we find some animal bones, along with any animal tracks since we don't seem to have found any lately...  It's important for Jedi to have these tracker skills as you never know when a mission will take you to an unknown planet...

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