Monday 21 October 2013

Squares, circles and bubbles!

Science club today carried on the theme of looking at colours.  In particular using inspiration from Mondrian and Kadinsky.

You've probably seen Mondrian's work without knowing it :

It's not to everyone's taste (like all art),  but I like it, it's very striking and very easy for working with children as the concepts are easy to explain and replicate.

This was done as a piece of group work and each child painted one (or more in some cases) square each, I've not seen the finished outcome yet, but expecting it to look very cool.

The second artist we looked at was Kadinsky, specifically 'Circles within a circle'

I like this painting... a lot... I would happily sit this on my wall..

However, I like the following one more, because it's my boy's interpretation of it :)

Lastly we looked at bubbles - who doesn't like bubbles... It ended up by being a bit of a competition as to who could blow the biggest 'mound', and I confess I regressed right into this one :)
We did however get to look at all the shapes that pop in between the bubbles, we had some hexagons and pentagons, and although we tried very hard we didn't manage to make a cube - I suspect for that we need the 'bubble guy' that was on Paul Daniels about 30 years ago... I know I'm not the only person that remembers him: (jump to about 4 minutes in to see the cube)

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