Monday 7 October 2013

Shhh.... we don't talk about science club....

A couple of weeks ago we started working on the British Science CREST awards in a small group with other children.  It's a good opportunity for mixing, it builds on the skills used for problem solving using practical investigation and it's also loads of fun.

We usually do a few craft activities before the science stuff and this week we were looking at rainbows....

We started off by adding powdered paint to a wet piece of card (it's possible that the children found squirting water over the cards the most fun bit), and then applying another piece of wet card on top to make a sort of paint sandwich..

Not sure I have described that very well, but the effect is pretty cool - the water makes all the paint run into each other and you get some nice effects, I can see the basic outline of a tree in this one...

I think it looks very nice as it is, but also think this would be a great backdrop for some black silhouettes of things - we may well try that... assuming I can get a nice enough day outside to do it though - this is definitely not an activity to do indoors!

The second craft activity we did was to make a rainbow star, excellent folding skills went on with this one and again really pleased with how it turned out

Ignore the mess in the background... when the sun is really bright the colours through the paper look amazing.

The science bit this week was all about mini beasts, I was most impressed to have found a millipede while all the boys seemed to focus on finding spiders... 

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