Sunday 6 October 2013

Craft free week...

Not much crafting at all this past week, except for some pottery painting (photos to follow) we have been doing lots of outdoor things though.  One of our projects at the moment is Autumn, so there has been lots of foraging and looking out for mini beasts, wildlife, leaves, seeds and fungi.

Unfortunately in the woods where we were the ground wasn't any good for animal tracks, but we did find loads of fungi... Don't ask me to name them all as I have no idea..!  Hoping we can find some names to them all this week...

Today we ended up doing none of the things we had planned (including the homework I need to do for Tuesday!) Instead we went on a conker hunt, sorted out some plants in the garden and made a blackberry pie, which was delicious... The recipe is here:

I do like Autumn :)

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